
When Life Comes Fast

Last Friday, during a Texas sunset, my sister walked down the aisle barefoot, in our momma's wedding dress and a sunflower in her hair. 

She literally looked like a ray of sunshine. 

Check our her amazing photographer's website!
On the same night, we got a text from my sister-in-law letting us know our new niece was on her way. Two hours later she was born. So the day after my sister walked down the aisle, we drove to Houston to hold a rosy girl who was yet 24 hours old. 

Life comes fast, sometimes. 

After going back and forth over the idea for several months, I've finally decided to delete my facebook account, and I thought I'd write this lengthy post about why I'm doing this and it would be very spiritual and deep and awesome and possibly go viral. 

But truthfully, I am deleting my Facebook account simply because life is only coming faster and I'm beginning to miss it. 

It's humbling to admit this, but several months ago I felt the Holy Spirit tell me pretty directly that I was starting to live my life largely on Facebook. 

Moments, thoughts, ideas and dreams had begun to matter only if I could share them on Facebook. 

And that's no way to live. 

Ever since Z was born, I've had more and more days that I just want to soak in. I want to be completely present and not miss a thing. Not just in those days where I'm watching Z grow, but also during the times that I get to be alone and think thoughts that aren't interrupted by early wake-ups and poopy diapers and, "Crap. We're out of all the food." 

Maybe this is something all adults have to face one day, but eventually you have to decide if you're going to live your life or if you're simply going to exist. 

And maybe not everyone has this problem, but I found Facebook was convincing me I was actually living, when I wasn't. 

Because seeing pictures of an event or far-off places is quite different than being there, and reading a bunch of articles that are going viral is different than writing one, and seeing lol on a Facebook chat is very different than sitting across a table from a friend with a cup of coffee and hearing laughter ring off the ceiling. 

Not that it doesn't have it's practical uses, but sometimes the pros aren't worth the cons. 

I'll still keep my blog and it'll be going through some big changes. My desire is that my writing will improve in quality and quantity (even if it is only in a small way) by nixing a lot of my wasted down time. 

If you're not on blogger and would like to subscribe to posts - you can enter your email into the "Follow by Email" box in the top right corner! :) I'll also be linking my Google plus account to my blog soon and sharing my posts there. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Anything you've ever given up to live a fuller life? 


  1. I think the same Holy Spirit has been nudging me in this same direction. I hear the comment in my head, "You never seem to be too tired for Facebook -- but often too tired to read God's word." ....ouch. Its not a matter of guilty feelings or self-condemnation, its a sense that life is happening in REAL TIME...and I tend to live it in 'virtual' time instead ..and frankly, that's a little creepy. I'm okay with you bugging out on FB ...as long as you post photos of your family on your blog - and somehow, get someone to share it on FB! You rock Niecy.

    1. Thanks, Aunt Sandy! My plan is to include more family update type things on the blog as well as do more writing in general. :) Love you. I'm glad I got to see you at B's wedding.
