
Summer Hope

Side note: I received a lot of positive feedback this past year about writing - this was quite encouraging. It seems this is something I should keep investing time in and I’m excited about it, though you probably wouldn't guess that based on my long stretches of not writing. It seems every time writing takes a back seat it just so happens to be about two months every time. Weird.

We’re in the Rocky Mountains for the summer and there is limited wi-fi and even less cell service. So we’ll see what a summer of limited technology, ample reading & writing time, and *hopefully* some extended time with God will produce.

I’ve been cleaning.

Cleaning years of dust off old pine boards and peeling linoleum. It’s our home for ten weeks. A cabin that leans into the mountainside it’s built on and settles with creaks and groans.

College students come to the heart of the Rocky Mountains to gaze at God in these snow-capped peaks and see if they can find the divots of His footsteps in the valleys, among the rock & brush & wild rivers.

My husband and I come to help them, as best we can, and I often find a footstep or two of my own.  

I have chosen a verse for the next ten weeks:
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. (II Cor. 1.8-9, NIV)

To remember that my God is a God of resurrection: physical, emotional, & spiritual ones?

That’s something that can renew a sturdy hope that has roots mountain-deep. 

What's your hope for this summer? 


  1. Spending the summer in a cabin in the Rocky Mountains sounds wonderful. My hope for the summer is to have a holiday in Greece and to do some much needed DIY.

    Have a lovely day

  2. My hope is to be flexible and grace-filled with myself as I welcome my little Ava into the world and learn to care for her...only 8ish more days!

    Love the post!
