
Every Day Revival

This past Sunday my friend Sarah spoke about revival, and it was good.

Because when you grow up in the church, sometimes all you can really picture when people talk about revival is huge stadiums of people singing worship songs and dedicating their lives to Jesus and crying a lot.

Which isn't a bad thing, necessarily, but it's not an every-day-life sort of thing, either.

She spoke about revival, but more specifically about how revival is really all about bringing about life, again.

And she talked about how sometimes, we lose things - life-giving things - in our every-day. Because of fear, or tragedy, or hopelessness, or maybe even just the painfully average wear that certain seasons can bring.

So we need Jesus to revive these things, things we thought long dead. To send a second wind of the Spirit, if you will, raising our Lazarus hopes when we had counted Him too little, too late.

This kind of revival requires an unnatural amount of trust though, doesn't it? In this sort of revival we wait for Christ to restore and renew hopes with the knowledge that it may not happen for a good, long time. Indeed, maybe not even before He restores and renews all things.

But our hope is that it will happen. Revival will come. Whether it's like a blazing fire or a burning coal - we will be renewed.

I'm learning to stand by the empty tombs in my life, and rejoice in the hopes and dreams Christ has revived.

And while waiting by stones still rolled shut, to remember that no matter what happens, the one I needed rolled away the most was the first He took care of. 

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