
I'm a Pinner!

When beginning to plan our nursery, I realized it might finally be time to get a Pinterest account.

Partly from self-protective measures I avoided the website until now. Time management has never been my forte and it just seemed wise to not add another temptation. Just this past week I started watching Downton Abbey on Netflix and I'm afraid my productivity for the next month has been ruined. 

After a week of pinning, I'm glad I set one up. Home decor overwhelms the creativity right out of me. Even the smallest of projects depletes my domestic tank pretty quickly. Even now, sitting on my living room couch, there's two antique typeface drawers that are staring at me in judgment. I bought them over two months ago on a whim at Goodwill and they have been leaning against our livingroom wall in a white trashbag ever since. 

Enter Pinterest. At least I can take the first steps by organizing my ideas and allowing other more craft-savvy people to give feedback. 

Speaking of which, I'd love yours! I don't have too many boards up and running yet. The one I've added the most to is the board for our nursery. 

Here's the link to my profile. 

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. I am a pinner too! It is the best and worst site ever! Best because it helps me think outside the box and helps with those long nights of nursing for me to have something fun to do. Worst because I want to DO everything! lol

    Following you now! Yay!

    1. I didn't even think of needing something to do while baby keeps me up at night. Brilliant. :)

  2. Girlfren, you never have to be creative on your own again. Pinterest FTW.

  3. Hahah!! Losing all our time-management skills to Pinterest is such a First World Problem.

  4. I'm totally tracking with you in the creative department...I am scared of pinterest still :) But I didn't see a link (or it didn't show up on my computer :/
    Glad you ventured out though!
